Amsterdam has numerous locations brimming with artworks from different eras of history. It has been a home of several renowned artists of the history and their works are alive even today. However, there are several artistic and cultural gems that are not as much out in the open as others. Make sure you visit such places on your Amsterdam tours. Below is a discussion of some of the hidden art and cultural attractions of Amsterdam.
The Yawner Gable Stone
Amsterdam has art literally everywhere. There are streets with artworks in the open and there are also carvings and gable stones from the 17th century that you may occasionally run into. The yawner gable stone is one such favorite among the local. The work has its mouth open not to swallow anything but to swallow a pill as the place used to indicate a pharmacy. Back in those days, the medicines were composed of plants and spices brought from abroad. The yawning man was pictured as a Moor. The legend has it that there was a Moorish man who assisted the pharmacist and marketing the medicine by appearing to swallow pills in front of everyone.
The Chapel Of The Parrot
The Kalverstraat is among the busiest streets of Europe. This is one of the reasons why the entrance to the street mentions a message that translates as “15 minutes for God.” As the Netherlands turned to protestant in 1578, the Catholics had to pray at hidden spots. Several of these locations had nicknames of objects or animals since saints were not permitted and therefore known as the chapel of the parrot. You can walk through a narrow entrance and reach a beautiful church with a wide interior.
The Proverbs Of The Oude Kerk
The Oude Kerk translated as Old Church was built in the Middle Ages and it sits in the middle of the red light district. The place is frequented by tourists but most of them miss the carved stalls located in the choir. These rare carvings represent one proverb each. There are proverbs that remind of the ill effects of alcohol while there are also proverbs regarding the value of money in front of death. Make sure you look for this attraction when you visit the Oude Kerk on your Amsterdam tours.
Amsterdam is a treasure-trove for art lovers yet there are hidden gems that will require you to look a little harder. Make sure you visit these places when you visit the city.